Support for Gymnase / College
Gymnases: three types of training
What curriculum and what studies are to follow ?
After compulsory school, your child can follow one of the three types of training at the Gymnase (or College in the canton of Geneva):
The Gymnase corresponds to the secondary II level (education) in the French-speaking school system.
To enter the gymnase in the Maturity section, you must have obtained your certificate of completion of secondary I studies in the VP level.
In addition to the Swiss or gymnase maturity through an unfettered curriculum, there are other ways to reach university courses :
after the general knowledge certificate, the course lasts one year and allows access to universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences through the additional bridging exam.
it is possible to prepare for it during the CFC (integrated model) or after the CFC (it is a school that lasts 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time). This allows access to universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences through the additional bridge exam.
it is a complementary examination organised for holders of a specialised maturity or a professional maturity. It can be prepared in one year in daytime training or in evening classes. It provides access to universities and polytechnics.
For more information on gymnase training courses
and on the remedial courses of the gymnase training courses in the canton of Vaud
Solutions whatever your sector or, do you lack self-confidence? Do you want to improve your organization and motivation?
Whether you are in the gym or during the connection process, we have solutions that suit you.
It may be that it is a branch that is blocking or a lack of learning strategies, but it is always possible to find ways to get up to speed.
At Benk, we offer adapted support for young teenagers or adults to prepare before and during the Gymnase (College) program.
To know more about itEtre enfant à « haut potentiel » (HP, zébre ou surdoué) signifie avoir un rythme de développement nettement supérieur à la moyenne de son âge, en intelligence cognitive et émotionnelle.
Les Hauts Potentiels (HP)Nos solutions concrètes aux troubles
« dys » des enfants et adolescents :
dyslexie, dysorthographie, dysgraphie ou dyscalculie …
Les enfants DYSVotre enfant est-il « accro » aux écrans ?
Comment gérer les accès aux écrans pour nos enfants ? Quelles sont les limites et les règles à adopter ?
Les addictions