Our pedagogy in school coaching

A unique and personalized approach

Benk is a modern training company, which progresses with their students according to their needs.

What are Benk’s assets ?

  • Our dynamic and progressive training courses
  • We are the forefront of new technologies (digital, remote)
  • Our accessibility, listening and communication with our students
  • Our mastery of the Swiss school system and Swiss vocational fields
  • Our support for the integration of foreign families

What are Benk’s strengths ?

  • Our learning method is structured and progressive
  • Our team of experienced, attentive and motivating coaches
  • We give you effective responses to learning, attention and concentration disorders
    (dyslexia, dyscalculia, HP, hyperactivity, ADD, spraying, addiction to games and screens…)
  • We meet your special needs of short or long term (disability, illness)
  • We help you develop your self-confidence and potential
  • We transcend linguistic and cultural barrier

What is the added value of Benk?

  • A targeted initial assessment
  • A 100% successful contract
  • Tailor-made tutoring
  • Individual training solutions
  • A scalable and accessible training platform 7 days a week

Finding your place at school, socially and at a professional level

Benk’s proven learning and training methods allow our students to excel and fully develop their skills.

Make our students happy and efficient thanks to the 5 skills:

  • Pure – Knowledge (subjects, knowledge to be assimilated)
  • Know how to learn (individualized learning techniques)
  • Know how to do (developing skills useful for their future)
  • Know how to be (using vocabulary and gestures for communication)
  • Know how to think(managing emotions, environment and worldview)
To know more about it

En relation avec le sujet

Soutien scolaire HPI

Être « haut potentiel » (HP, zèbre ou surdoué) signifie avoir un rythme de développement nettement supérieur à la moyenne de son âge, en intelligence cognitive et en intelligence émotionnelle.


Les Hauts Potentiels (HP)
formation enfants autonomes

Des solutions concrètes aux troubles « dys »:

dyslexie, dysorthographie,

dysgraphie ou dyscalculie …

Les enfants DYS

Votre enfant est-il « accro » aux écrans ? Comment gérer les accès aux écrans pour nos enfants ?

Quelles sont les limites et les règles à adopter ? 

Les addictions