How do I choose an online tutoring site?

enfant ordinateur
how do i choose an online tutoring site? 2

The first question to answer is:

  • What kind of support am I looking for?

Above all, it is important to understand

  • What’s the difference between e-learning and online exercise sites?

Today, many websites offer online tutoring services. This type of service costs less than “traditional” tutoring with an in-home trainer. There are even forms of mutual aid between Internet users that offer free help. Here are a few explanations to help you make the right choice.


Online tutoring can take many forms.

A distinction must be made between :

  • forums, chats and blogs where teachers and/or students answer students’ questions, provide explanations and correct mistakes
  • interactive quizzes and exercises are a fun way for students to review and assess themselves, but are no substitute for personalized correction.
  • online files, lesson plans, videos and summaries to help students prepare a presentation or deepen their knowledge
  • online exercise sites based on a school system (French or Swiss) without personalized support (the child is autonomous and works alone)
  • digital training (e-learning), which are tutoring websites using structured, progressive learning methods.
  • paid support with remote connection (Skype-type) by a trainer on the model of home tuition.

Selection criteria

To choose the right online tutoring site, first check that the content is in line with the school curriculum.

Look for a site adapted to your child’s age and needs.

Online tutoring is generally aimed at secondary school students. For primary school pupils, support sites can provide a one-off solution, and require the presence of an adult to supervise.

Similarly, online exercise sites, educational forums and blogs don’t allow you to build up an ongoing relationship with your students.

If your child is having difficulty in a particular subject, opt instead for a paid subscription that provides regular help and assessments to monitor progress.

Ideally, the follow-up should be personalized, like coaching, to ensure that your child really works.