Soutien et coaching scolaire

School support at home

How can you support your home-schooled child?

More and more families in Switzerland are choosing to homeschool.

Some children have difficulty integrating or learning. They can’t join a school group, respect the framework required by the school and learn at the same pace as their peers.

Homeschooling families prefer to go at the child’s own pace, so that he or she remains in harmony with him or herself. In this way, they retain a certain freedom in the way they impart knowledge to their child.

In these situations, parents wish to promote the balance and development of their child, who is unable to adapt to a traditional school environment.

How do you stay motivated and disciplined?

It’s not easy for some parents to transform themselves into teachers and get down to their child’s level, especially if he or she suffers from a learning disability (ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, HP…).

Their role requires patience, good organization and a framework that must be respected in accordance with the Plan d’études romand.


Formations privees enfants 1


At Benk, we support many families who have opted for home schooling. Thanks to our distance learning courses based on a targeted methodology, we offer tailor-made programs according to the level and needs of each child.

Parents can follow their children’s progress via the e-learning platform, validating their knowledge and rewarding their progress at their own pace and without time pressure.

We work particularly with young people suffering from school phobias, dyslexia, attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity and autism.