Reconversion après 40 ans : l’accompagnement sur mesure d’un conseiller en orientation professionnel

Après 40 ans, envisager une reconversion professionnelle peut bénéficier de l’accompagnement d’un conseiller en orientation professionnelle. Ce partenaire de confiance vous aide à évaluer vos compétences, explorer de nouvelles possibilités de carrière, et à définir un plan d’action réaliste et personnalisé. Cette démarche assure une transition sereine et adaptée à vos aspirations personnelles et professionnelles, […]

Aider un enfant dys à la maison : comment faire ?

Aider un enfant dys à la maison présente des défis, mais aussi des opportunités d’accompagnement important. Les troubles dys affectant la lecture, l’écriture et le calcul, peuvent entraver l’apprentissage et l’estime de soi. Benk s’engage à fournir aux parents des conseils et stratégies efficaces pour soutenir leur enfant dys. Notre objectif est de créer un […]

ADHD and educational tools: Different approaches to facilitate learning

ADHD , or Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity, represents a unique challenge in the field of education. Fortunately, a variety of pedagogical tools are available to support and facilitate learning for those affected. Find out in this article about the different approaches and pedagogical tools that can transform the educational experience of people […]

How can a budget coach help you manage your money better?

Manage your finances with ease and confidence! Benk’s budget coaching service can transform your financial approach. Our budget coach will guide you step by step towards controlled, flexible financial management tailored to your financial objectives. It can be used to strengthen your personal finance skills, combat financial fragility, or benefit from personalized support. Take control […]

Online French courses: Improve your French at a distance

Whether you want to perfect your language skills for professional or educational reasons, online French courses offer an unparalleled opportunity to improve your level. If you live in Vaud, Geneva, Fribourg, Valais or Neuchâtel, choose French distance learning from Benk, which is active throughout French-speaking Switzerland. Online French courses at Benk Join the Benk community […]

Organizational coaching: Learning techniques to improve productivity

Are you ready to significantly improve your productivity and optimize your organization? Then invest directly in the world of organizational coaching, a fascinating field that can transform your daily life. Let’s discover the essential techniques to boost your efficiency. What exactly is organizational coaching? Organizational coaching is a process of individual or group support aimed […]

Site soutien scolaire : Why has online tutoring become indispensable?

Is your child struggling academically and in need of remedial teaching? Does your child lack self-confidence, need extra challenges or have concentration or behavioural problems? It’s good for your school curriculum to attend tutoring, and not just any tutoring. To benefit, simplyregister your child on a tutoring website like What is tutoring? Tutoring is […]

New technologies and learning

Coach and learning expert Yasmina Benk answers your questions about the contribution of new technologies to learning. New technologies are playing an increasingly important role in the daily lives of many children. This trend will only increase in the years to come, especially with the number of websites growing every year. That’s why it’s sometimes […]

7 good reasons to use e-learning

Coach and learning expert Yasmina Benk answers your questions about e-learning. E-Learning enables independent online study , while Blended Learning combines distance learning with face-to-face courses.Mixing digital and face-to-face training allows us to find the best learning solutions for everyone. 7 good reasons to use e-learning The strength of e-learning (digital training) is that it […]